• About / Contact

    [ booking@evanoraunlimited.com ] (for order related inquiries & other non-business/booking related contact please use the form located below)


    "Evanora:Unlimited is a multimedia project from Oakland, California interdisciplinary artist Orion Ohana. Exploring world building, music, film, fashion, and varying mediums of performance art, Evanora:Unlimited
    is not an artist alias but the title of an ever-changing formless
    concept and cinematic world showcasing various characters,
    self-described as “a based on true events erotic science fiction
    religious horror epic”.

    Ohana is also known as their recent side project Marjorie -W.C Sinclair. Conceived in 2020 with no intention beyond being a private account to share songs made for fun among close friends that would be otherwise be unreleased, The project would soon subconsciously take on a life and personality of its own over the year becoming a shapeshifting yet distinct character within a complex storyline crucial to the world of Evanora:Unlimited."



    AVYSS Magazine

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